At Sans Pareil World, our mission is to help international pet healthcare businesses of all sizes expand their reach through the global assembly pet trade gateway. Our team of experienced industry consultants will help you to navigate the finite and complex world of the international pet healthcare trade to minimize risk while maximizing profits through innovation unions.
Sans Pareil World has deep operational expertise, industry knowledge, and global corporate relationships bringing business, operational, and technology creating optimal business performance and sustainable value creation, that's why here at Sans Pareil World we offer customized solutions tailored to meet the requirements of your business allowing you to develop an assembly of alliance highways,
Sans Pareil World's partnership with Vetecom brings industry leading digital innovation and accelerates the development of new and better digital tech solutions to support growth, reduce costs, and engage stakeholders and clients to undertake sustainable business ecosystems.
We operate in many channels of acquisition working as part of a sell-side M&A team, planning regional and national assembly data pools,
This enables you to plan post-merger technology and data pool partner integrations, collaborate on future structure business model design, and monitor how well it’s being executed. Sans Pareil World's visual storytelling, best industry practices and data-driven decision-making will engage business leaders and support post-merger plans anywhere in the international market in partnership with Vetecom innovation.
Our approach brings critical success to your acquisition or investment.
Vetecom has partnered with Sans Pareil World aquisiton partners who specialize in connecting businesses with international pet healthcare and pet trade opportunities. Bringing together both organic and digital pet healtcare hybrid investments.
Our team of experts has a wealth of knowledge in regional regulations, compliance, and logistics management.
An exclusive group of 15 independent practices within the UAE, all interested in a potential sale. The group currently contains mostly Small Animals with a combined turnover of over AED 180,000,000 making this a profitable venture.
Sans Pareil World is working as part of a sell-side M&A on this unique opportunity within the animal health sector in the UAE - Dubai ( southeast coast of the Persian Gulf ).
f you would like to receive the IM's on this inspiring opportunity we can arrange an NDA out to you by return. (updated 29/02/24)
An exclusive group of over 50 practices along the Eastern Coast of Australia, all interested in a potential sale. The group contains Small animal-only, Mixed, and Equine combined turnover of over $159m.
Sans Pareil World is working as part of a sell-side M&A on this powerful opportunity within the animal health sector in Australia located wirhin the beautiful East Coast Region.
If you would like to receive the IM's on this inspiring opportunity we can arrange an NDA out to you by return. (updated 27/02/24)
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